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Sunday, January 1, 2012

I. Cognitive Science in Asia: University Programs & Research Institutes
* Countries included: Asian countries of 'GDP nominal' more than USD $2 billion
and countries of known 'Cognitive Science Programs' on the Web.

[China (PRC)]

State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive Science
Beijing, China (北京市朝阳区大屯路15)

Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT) of Chinese Academy of Science
Shenzhen University Town, Shenzhen, P.R.China

Center for Cognitive Technologies

-Center for Human Computer Interaction

-Center for Intelligent and Biomimetic Systems

*Please have a look at the other branches (Divisions) of the Institute (SIAT), such as:
-Institute of Biomedical and Health Engineering (IBHE)

-Institute of Advanced Computing and Digital Engineering (IACDE)

Institute of Biophysics, CAS    
Beijing, China

National Laboratory of Brain & Cognitive Sciences

Center for Brain and Cognitive Sciences

[Hong Kong]

香港大 知科
Cognitive Science (undergraduate BA) Programme,
University of Hong Kong, (English) (detailed undergraduate program) (English)

Cognitive Science Centre
University of Hong Kong

香港大 脑与认知科 家重点实验
Lab for Cognitive Sciences,
The State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
University of Hong Kong


Cognitive Science Program,
IIT Gandhinagar


Center for neural and cognitive sciences
IIIT Hyderabad, India (English)

Cognition Programme
The National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS),
Bangalore, India


Ph.D in Applied Linguistics; Cognitive Science; Language Acquisition; Psycholinguistics
-Indonesian goverment program


Institute for Cognitive Science Studies
Tehran, Iran (پژوهشکده علوم شناختی) (Persian)


Cognitive Science Programs

Haifa Cognitive Science Forum

Center for the Study of Rationality
the report of the center: ->

Sign Language Research Lab of The University of Haifa

the Cognitive Neuropsychology Lab
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Cognitive Sciences Research.
Bar-Ilan University, Israel

The Goldie Rotman Center for Cognitive Science and Education,
School of Education,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, Israel.


Department of Cognitive and Information Sciences
Chiba University

中京大學  情報認知科学専
The Graduate School of Computer and Cognitive Sciences ,
Chukyo University

中京大學 大學院 情報科学研究科
情報認知科学専 修士/博士課程
The (undergradate &) Graduate School of Computer and Cognitive Sciences
Chukyo University, Japan (old site; English)

- 通信制 大學院 認知科学専
Cognitive Science Major,  Distance Education Program 
Chukyo University, Japan

Cognition, Sense-Making and Biophysical Skills (CB)
Keio University,

Tachi Lab (in Virtual Reality and Telexistence) Graduate School of Media Design,
Keio University, Japan

東京大學 大學院 統合文化硏究科 生命環境科學系 生命-認知科學科 認知行動硏究室
Department of Cognitive and Behavioral Science,
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences,
The University of Tokyo, Japan

the Center for Evolutionary Cognitive Sciences (COE-ECS)
University of Tokyo
thinking about cognitive science and philosophy in Japan (Japanese)

[Decision and Cognitive Science Links] related sites in Japan and overseas

Robotics in Japan
WATANABE Laboratory
東京大, 先端科技術究センタ , 認知科分野 渡邊究室
The University of Tokyo
Research Center of Advanced Science and Technology

[Korea (South)]

고려대학교 뇌공학과
高麗大學校 腦工學科
Department of Brain and Cognitive Engineering
Korea University, Seoul, Korea

고려대학교 인지신경실험실
高麗大學校 認知神經實驗室
Cognitive Neuro Lab
Korea University, Seoul, Korea (under construction)

Human Performance Lab
Korea University, Seoul, Korea

고려대학교 두뇌동기연구소
高麗大學校 頭腦動機硏究所
The Brain and Motivation Research Institute
Korea University, Seoul, Korea

부산대학교 대학원 인지과학협동과정
釜山大學校 大學院 認知科學協同課程
Cognitive Science Graduate Program
Pusan National University, Pusan, Korea

서울대학교 인지과학연구소
Seoul大學校 認知科學硏究所
Institute for Cognitive Science
Seoul National University, Seoul Korea

서울대학교 대학원 인지과학협동과정
Seoul大學校 大學院 認知科學協同課程
Cognitive Science Graduate Program
Seoul National University, Korea

서울대학교 자연대학 대학원 뇌인지과학과
Seoul大學校 自然大學 大學院 腦認知科學科
The (Graduate) Department of Brain & Cognitive Science
Seoul National University, Korea

성균관대학교 대학원 인지과학협동과정
成均館大學校 大學院 認知科學協同課程
Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Cognitive Science
Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea

성균관대학교 대학원 인터랙션사이언스학과
成均館大學校 大學院 Interaction Science學科
Department of Interaction Science (Graduate)
Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea

연세대학교 대학원 인지과학 협동과정
延世大學校 大學院 認知科學協同課程
Interdisciplinary Program in Cognitive Science
Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea (English & Korean mixed)

연세대학교 인지과학연구소
延世大學校 認知科學硏究所
-under construction

연세대학교 HCI연구실
延世大學校 HCI硏究室
HCI Lab. Yonsei University

영남대학교 대학원 인지과학협동과정

이화여자대학교 대학원 뇌인지과학협동과정
梨花女子大學校 大學院 腦認知科學科
Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Brain and Cognitive Science
Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea

한국과학기술원 바이오및뇌공학과
韓國科學技術院 Bio-Brain工學科
Department of Bio and Brain Engineering,
KAIST, Daejeon, Korea

한국과학기술원 문화기술대학원
韓國科學技術院 文化技術大學院
Graduate School of Culture Technology
KAIST, Daejeon, Korea

한국과학기술원 지식공학과
韓國科學技術院 知識工學科
Dept. of Knowledge Service Engineering
KAIST, Daejeon, Korea

한국과학기술원 뇌과학연구센터
韓國科學技術院 腦科學硏究中心
Brain Science Research Center, KAIST
Daejeon, Korea

가천의대 뇌과학연구소
Gachon 醫大 腦科學硏究所
Neuroscience Research Institute (NRI)
Gachon University of Medicine and Science,
Incheon, Korea


Faculty of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development

[Saudi Arabia]

Cognitive Science Programme,
National University of Singapore
Singapore (English)

[Taiwan (ROC)]

中國醫藥大學 神經科學與認知科學硏究所
Graduate Institute of Neural and Cognitive Sciences.
China Medical University, Taiwan

國立中央大學, 認知神經科學硏究所
Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, college of science,
National Central University, Taiwan

國立中正大學 認知科學中心
The Center for Research in Cognitive Science
National Chung-Cheng University,
Chiayi, Taiwan, R. O. C.

國立成功大學 心理學系 認知科學碩士班
Cognitive Science Proram (MA)

國立成功大學 認知科學硏究所
Institute of Cognitive Science,
National Cheng Kung University

國立台灣大學 神經生物 輿 認知科學 硏究所中心
Neurobiology and Cognitive Science Center
National Taiwan University, Taiwan


College of Research Methodology and Cognitive Science (RMCS)
Burapha University (ภาษาไทย phasa thai)


Informatics Institute,
Middle East Technical University (METU)

Cognitive Science Department
Middle East Technical University (METU)

[United Arab Emirates]

II. some Academic Societies of Cognitive Science in Asia


a report on the establishment of the Chinese Society for Cognitive Science



Japanese Cognitive Science Society

Japanese Psychological Association

Japanese Cognitive Neuro Science Society

the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology

[Korea (South)]

The Korean Society for Cognitive Science, KSCS

한국 인지 및 생물 심리학회
韓國 認知 & 生物 心理學會
Korean Society for Cognitive and Biological Psychology

Korean Brain Society

인지과학학생 까페
認知科學學生 Cafe
Cafe for Korean Cognitive Science students
Seoul, Korea

III. International Conference on Cognitive Science (ICCS)

*** There are three ICCSs (International Conference on Cognitive Science).
And it were listed in the order of their first launching dates.

[A]: mainly Chinese, Japanese, & Korean ***************************************
1. The first International Conference on Cognitive Science

Venue: Hoam Convention Center at Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Date: August 15-16, 1997
Webpage: (the proceedings listed)

2. The Second International Conference on Cognitive Science and
the 16th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society:
Joint Conference (ICCS/JCSS99)
Venue: International Conference Center, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
Date: July 27-30, 1999

3. The 3rd ICCS International Conference on Cognitive Science
Venue: Beijing, China
Date: August 2731,2001
Webpage: (closed)

4. The 4th ICCS International Conference on Cognitive Science and the 7th Australian Society for Cognitive Science Conference: Joint Conference (ICCS/ASCS)
Date: 13-17 July, 2003
Venue: The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

5. The 5th International Conference on Cognitive Science and the 28th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society: Joint Conference (ICCS/ ACCSS)
Venue: Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Date: July 26-292006

6. The 6th International Conference of the Cognitive Science
Venue: Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
Date: July 27-29, 2008
(*If you still want the conference programs in detail, please try the following site:

7. The 7th International Conference of the Cognitive Science
Venue: the China National Convention Center (CNCC), Beijing, China
Date: August 17-20, 2010.


==> * International Association for Cognitive Science (IACS)

[B]: mostly Iranian 

** Another International Conference on Cognitive Science, initiated by Iranian scholars
* The conferences are listed at :

The 1st International Cognitive Science Conference
Venue: Tehran, Iran
Date: February 19-21, 2001
(organized by the Institute for Cognitive Science Studies (ICCS ; (

The 2nd International Cognitive Science Conference
Venue: Tehran, Iran
Date: / February 24-26, 2003

The 3rd International Conference of Cognitive Science
Venue: Tehran, Iran
Date: March 3-5, 2009

The 4th International Conference of Cognitive Science
Venue: Tehran, Iran
Date: May 10th-12th, 2011

The 5th International Conference of Cognitive Science
Venue: Tehran, Iran
Date: May 2013

[C]: mostly Indian 

** Another International Conference on [Recent Advances in Cognitive Science]

* Another International Conference on Cognitive Science (which was later changed its name as the [International Conference on Recent Advances in Cognitive Science]. This conference was spearheaded by Indian scholars.

First International Conference on Cognitive Science, (2004)
-Venue: the Centre for Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences,
                                          University of Allahabad, India.
-Date:" December 16-18, 2004

Second International Conference on Cognitive Science, (2006)
-Venue: University of Allahabad, India
-Date: December 10-12, 2006

National Conference on Recent Advances in Cognitive Science. (2008)
-Venue: Department of Psychology, Banaras Hindu University. India
-Date: 19-21 December, 2008

International Conference on Recent Advances in Cognitive Science (2010)
-Venue: Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences
                              Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. India
-Date: 18-20 December, 2010

International Conference on Recent Advances in Cognition and Health (2012)
-Venue: Department of Psychology, Banara Hindu University

[D] mostly Russian 

The First Russian Cognitive Science Conference
-Venue: Kazan, Russia
-Date: October 9-12, 2004,

The Second Biennial Conference on Cognitive Science
-Venue: St. Petersburg, Russia
-Date: June 9-13, 2006,

3rd International Conference on Cognitive Science
-Venue: Moscow
-Date: June 20-25, 2008
(Website closed:
* Using two names of the conference as:
[The Third International Conference on Cognitive Science] and [Biennale of Cognitive Science 2008]

Fourth International Conference on Cognitive Science ( 2010)
-Venue: Tomsk, Russia
-Date: June 22-26th, 2010,

The Fifth International Conference on Cognitive Science
-Venue: Kaliningrad, Russia,
-Date: June 19-23, 2012.

[E] mainly French 

The VII. International Conference on Cognitive, Psychological and Behavioral Science
-Venue: Paris, France
-Date: November 14-16, 2011

ICCPBS 2012 : International Conference on Cognitive, Psychological and Behavioral Sciences
-Venue: Paris, France
-Date: June 27-29, 2012

[F] Some New ICCS in Asia 

The  International Conference of the Cognitive Science (2012)
Venue: Penang, Malaysia
Date: February 19-21, 2012


Academic Societies related to Cognitive Science in U. S. A

The Cognitive Science Society, Inc
- established in 1979

Federation of Associations in Behavioral & Brain Sciences

* Compiled By Dr. Jung-Mo Lee, SKKU, Korea ; (

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