[음악 인지]
요즈음 TV에서 ‘불후의 명곡’등의 현역 가수들이 정말로 열정을 가지고 배우며 자기를 개선해 나가는 프로가 많다. 이러한 프로들을 보면서 [음악]과 [인지과학]을 연결하는 주제를 떠올려 봅니다.
아마도 아래 자료들은
[인지]가 포스트모더니즘을 대신할 틀로 생각하려하는 이정모의 이전 글을 보면서
‘이정모가 너무 나가지 않았는가?!’하고 생각했을 여러 사람들에게,
음악에 틀을 제공하는 인지과학 의 모습을 보여 주면서
그것이 터무니없는 지나친 생각만은 아니었음을 조금 알리려고 하는
한 몸짓으로 받아 주시면 고맙겠습니다.
다음 기회에는 [문학]에 보는 틀을 제공하는 [인지과학]을 다루어 보려 합니다.
'음악 인지'Music cognition
- : 개관: 위키피디아자료
"Music Cognition and the Cognitive Sciences"
- [Topics in Cognitive Science], 2012, Volume 4, Issue 4. 467–794.
- 음악과 인지과학 개관 글
Music and Cognitive Abilities
- by E. Glenn Schellenberg & Michael W. Weiss
- June, 2013
[대학의 음악인지 Lab]
1. 미국
The Music Cognition Laboratory
- University of Cornell
UMD Language and Music Cognition Lab
- University of Maryland
Northeast Music Cognition Group (NEMCOG)
- New York University
- 북미 Northeast Corridor region of the U.S
Bienene School of Music
- Northwestern University
- 음악 이론과 인지
the Cognitive and Systematic Musicology Laboratory (CSML)
- Ohio State University,
Music cognition
- University of Rochester
- Eastman School of Music
Music cognition Lab
- Tuft University
2. 캐나다
Music Perception and Cognition Laboratory (MPCL)
- McGill University, Canada
Music Perception and Cognition Laboratory (MPCL)
- McMaster University, Canada
3. 유럽
Music Cognition Group
- Department of Musicology, University of Amsterdam (Universiteit vanAmsterdam)
Embodied Music Cognition (EMuCog) Conference
- The University of Edinburgh
- 22 – 23 Jul 2013
Music Cognition Lab
- Queen Mary, University of London
the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music
Music cognition and the cognitive sciences.
- Top Cogn Sci. 2012 Oct;4(4):468-84. doi: 10.1111/j.1756-8765.2012.01226
- by Pearce M1, Rohrmeier M.
When: 7-8 July 2014
Where: Montreal; Schulich School of Music, McGill University
Arts and Cognition Monograph: Effects of Music Training - Under-privileged
- Helen Neville 외
- Dana 재단
[Auditory Scene Analysis: The Perceptual Organization of Sound]
- 책
- by Albert Bregman'
- MIT Press (1994)
[The Cognitive Foundations of Musical Pitch]
- 책
- by Carol Lynne Krumhansl
- Oxford University Press (1990)
[The Analysis and Cognition of Basic Melodic Structures: The Implication-Realization Model]
- 책
- by Eugene Narmour
- The University of Chicago Press (1990)
[Embodied Music Cognition and Mediation Technology]
- 책
- Marc Lehman
- Department of Musicology, Ghent University, Belgium.
- MIT Press (2007)
[Paradoxes of Interactivity: Perspectives for Media Theory,and Artistic Investigations]
- 책
- by Uwe Seifert, Jin Hyun Kim, Anthony Moore (eds.)
- Transaction Publishers (2008)
Laske, O. (1999). AI and music: A cornerstone of cognitive musicology. In M. Balaban, K. Ebcioglu, & O. Laske (Eds.), Understanding music with ai: Perspectives on music cognition. Cambridge: The MIT Press.
Hamman, M., 1999. "Structure as Performance: Cognitive Musicology and the Objectification of Procedure," in Otto Laske: Navigating New Musical Horizons, ed. J. Tabor. New York: Greenwood Press.
Temperley, David (2001). The Cognition of Basic Musical Structures. Cambridge: MIT Press. ISBN 978-0-262-20134-6.
Balaban, Mira (1992). Understanding Music with Ai. Menlo Park: AAAI Press. ISBN 0-262-52170-9.
Minsky, M. (1981). Music, mind, and meaning. Computer Music Journal, 5(3), 28-44. Retrieved December 1, 2009 from
Cope, David (1996). Experiments in Musical Intelligence. Madison: A-R Editions. ISBN 978-0-89579-337-9.
Wiggins, G. et al. (1993). A Framework for the Evaluation of Music Representation Systems. "Computer Music Journal, 17"(3), 31-42.
Nierhaus, Gerhard (2008). Algorithmic Composition. Berlin: Springer. ISBN 978-3-211-75539-6.
Deutsch, Diana (1999). The Psychology of Music. Boston: Academic Press. ISBN 978-0-12-213565-1.
Patel, Aniruddh (1999). Music, Language, and the Brain. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-12-213565-1.
Lerdahl, Fred; Ray Jackendoff (1996). A Generative Theory of Tonal Music. Cambridge: MIT Press. ISBN 978-0-262-62107-6.
Uwe Seifert: Systematische Musiktheorie und Kognitionswissenschaft. Zur Grundlegung der kognitiven Musikwissenschaft. Orpheus Verlag für systematische Musikwissenschaft, Bonn 1993
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