진화론 논란 관련 국내 10개 매스컴의 반응 목록
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The 3rd round of Korean responses (10 Korean medias' reports) to the
controversy on "Evolution vs. Creationism in Korean high-school Science Texts.
지난 2012년 6월
5일에 저명한 과학 학술지 [네이쳐]지는 다음 기사를 실었다.
“South Korea surrenders to creationist demands: Publishers set to
remove examples of evolution from high-school textbooks.“ (by Soo Bin
To the issues
raised above, the 3rd round of Korean responses (10 Korean media reports) are
listed below:
여기에서 거론된 문제들에 대하여 한국 내의 매스컴들은 조금
뒤늦었지만 반응을 보였다. 나는 이 반응들을 제3차 반응이라고 부르고, 아래에 그 기사들 사이트를 열거하려 한다.
이 열거된 순서는 아래 사이트의 순서를 따랐다.
- The order of the listing follows that of the next site (; as of 10
AM, June 20, 2012) : -
- The general tones of the Korean media's reports are pointing, I
presume, to the Creationists' reasoning fallacies in denying the whole, by
discussing faults in some minor details.
- All texts are in Korean.
사이트의 내용은 모두 한글이다
* The title headings in English of each report are generated by
The authors might have somewhat different headings in their
The 10 Korean
media reports ==>
[1]. "Deletion
of avian ancestor Archaeopteryx in high-school Science texts entails many
problems"; the 86% of the 1,474 Korean researchers in biological fields
interviewed said so. They are in favor of Evolution.
"시조새, 교과서 삭제
문제있다" 86%
[생물학 전공 1474명
교진추 "진화론 내용 삭제" 청원 출판사 6곳 삭제·수정
고생물학회도 19일 반박문 내 美언론 보도로 해외서도
- Korean Newspaper: HankookIlBo report (The Korea Times)
[2]. The
opinion of the Korean Society of Biology is: "Deletion of avian ancestor
Archaeopteryx in high-school Science texts is problematic.
생물학계 "과학교과서 시조새
삭제는 문제 있어"
- 매일경제 MK News
- Korean Newspaper, MK Business News
Evolution: Science or Ideology?
[집중진단] 진화론은
과학? 이념?
KBS TV 2012.
06. 19. 저녁 9시뉴스 중
June 19, 2012,
20:00 TV News report
Broadcasting System (KBS) TV News report (June19,2012,20:00)
[4]. A
controversy on avian ancestor Archaeopteryx
[집중진단] 진화론은
과학? 이념?…‘시조새’ 교과서 논쟁
-Korean Broadcasting System (KBS) TV News report (June 19, 2012,
[5]. 88% of
the 1278 Korean Biologists say "Deleting evolution from high-school Science
texts is problematic
생물학연구자 1278명 “진화론
삭제는 문제”
“출판사 임의 수정 부적절” 88% “교과서에 포함돼야”
- 서울신문 2012. 06. 20
- Korean Newspaper; Seoulshinmoon ; www.seoul.co.kr
[6]. 9 out of
10 Korean Life Scientists agreed to, "[Evolution](theory) should be included in
the high-school Science texts." No! To the deletion of information on avian
- The results of the questionnaire interviews of 1474 Korean Life
Science researchers // - 2012-06-19 10:41
생명과학 전공자 10명 중 9명
“진화론, 과학교과서에 포함돼야”
10중 7명 “교과서에서 시조새 빼면 안돼”
BRIC, 관련 분야 회원 1474명 대상 설문
-코레아 헤랄드 , Korean Newspaper; The Korea Herald
[7]. Korean
Life Science researchers view, "Deletion of avian ancestor from high-school
Science Texts is problematic because experts in the fields were not
(Biological Research Information Center, POSTECH) interviewed (via e-mails) 1474
Korean Life Science researchers (86% responded)
생명과학 연구자 86%,
"과학교과서 '시조새 삭제' 절차 문제"
BRIC, 진화론 관련 설문 조사 발표해
-교수신문 ; 윤상민 기자
Korean Newspaper ; Korean Newspaper for Professors,
[8]. [Column];
Avian ancestor flied; Korean politics with religion was a mess, and now comes
another trouble, education with religion.
[분수대] 시조새가 날아갔다 종교와 정치도 말썽인데 이번엔 종교와 교육이다
[중앙일보] 입력 2012.06.19 00:00 / 수정 2012.06.19 00:00
- Korean Newspaper, "JoongAng Ilbo' / 2012.06.19
[9]. A
controversy on avian ancestors in high-school Science Texts
고교 교과서 시조(始祖)새
- 이길성 기자 // - 조선일보
- Korean Newspaper, 'Chosunilbo
[10]. Looking
at the on-going controversy on deleting 'Evolution' in high-school Science
- a column article by Dr. Hong. S-o.,/ in [Dong-A Science], a Science
Webzine run by Dong-A Ilbo, a Korean Newspaper / June 16. 2012
- (Dr. Sung-ook Hong was a Professor, Philosophy of Science History,
University of Toronto)
[동아광장/홍성욱] ‘교과서에 실린 진화론 삭제 논란을 보며’
-동아일보 웹진 [사이언스 (The Science)] 2012년 06월 16일에 실린 기사
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